Mortgage Payment Calculator

Your Estimated
Monthly Payment:

  • PMI $59
  • Mortgage Insurance $44
  • Taxes & HOA $150
  • Principal & Interest (P&I) $592

Estimated Taxes & Insurance: Property taxes are generally estimated to be 1.2% of the home's value, but may vary based on your location. Your loan specialist can help you determine property tax and insurance rates in your area.

Insurance: Annual homeowners insurance is roughly 0.35% of the home's value but can change based on insurer.

PMI The PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) is a mortgage lenders' protection in the event of a default. PMI is paid monthly as part of your mortgage payment to the lender. Once a borrower has paid the equivalent of the 20% down payment, PMI can be removed from the monthly mortgage payment.

Estimated Monthly Payment:
See Payment Breakdown